Sunday, August 26, 2007

We are the Champions...

Hey Everyone!!

Just wanted to let you all know, that we are now the 2007 Riverside Summer Shootout Champions!!!! Congratulations Velocity!! We really worked hard that last game, and we definitely played as a team. The weather was beautiful! Thank goodness!!! Anyways, the final score was 11-0. I was excited because I scored too! I'll post pictures of the trophey, as soon as I get a chance. Well, just wanted to let you guys know how that went. I had a great time at the tournament, and look forward to letting you know how the rest of our season goes!! until then,


PS~My dad said that my little brother's game went well, but at that level, they don't keep track of the score. But my other brother's game was canceled because of the weather here. Makes me appreciate the good weather in Ashville!!!

1 comment:

Zmeister said...

Awesome Krissy!!!!!!!